
Welcome to Hepburn Interiors, LLC.  We offer a full range of Interior Design services including space planning, color consultations, furnishings selection, personal shopping, home redesign and much, much more!  From completely new construction or a simple coat of paint in an existing room, Hepburn Interiors is here to help.

OUR GOAL is to create well designed spaces for our clients in an fun and affordable way.

HOW IT WORKS is by getting to know how our clients live and what makes them feel comfortable and at home.  We do this by asking the right questions to discover the tastes, likes/dislikes, and lifestyle of our clients.  After compiling all of the pertinent data, we create a design plan catered to our client’s wants, needs, and budget.

WHY CHOOSE HEPBURN INTERIORS?  We believe great interior design is something that everyone should be able to enjoy regardless of budget, square footage, and spare time.  That’s where we come in!  We want to make our clients’ dreams their reality.  By choosing Hepburn Interiors, our clients receive a professional team that will create a design that is custom to their wants and needs.

2 thoughts on “Philosophy

  1. Good morning Diane and Laura. I’m contacting you to request permission to use a photo of your red wreath on a black door that I came across in a google search. I really love it and I need something just like it to use on a promotional postcard that I’m creating for my company. I make letters cyrstallized with Swarovski elements that people can purchae to use as floral accessories, cake toppers or keepsakes. I can provide more information if this is open for discussion. I’d be happy to include a cut line saying “Photo courtesy of Hepburn Interiors, LLC” on my printed postcards (though I’m not sure it will drive any business your way since I’m only just starting out in Canada). I’ve provided a link to my web site but please don’t judge me by it as I just inherited and haven’t gotten around to fixing it just yet. I’ll be happy to send you a copy of the postcard with the new logo and brand identity we’re working towards creating – it’s very sophisticated and sylish. Your gorgeous photograph would be a tremendous help at this early point when funds are too tight to engage a photographer to recreate this shot. Cheers, Mary

Please, share your ideas with us!