Wallpaper : Bathrooms

We aren’t tired of wallpaper yet. According to some reader feedback, you aren’t either. I found more brilliant uses of wallpaper. This time, in bathrooms. These rooms may not always be the most glamorous  but you might as well make them attractive since you will use the space daily. BE BOLD and have fun with wallpaper! It’s just wallpaper. What is there to be afraid of?

Graphic  Yellow Wallpaper Bathroom design by Jute Interior Design
Classic Link Wallpaper Bathroom design by Kohler
Floral Gold and Yellow Wallpaper Eclectic Bathroom design by Design Manifest
Black and White Modern Wallpaper Bathroom design by Tobi Fairley Interior Design
Graphic Large Scale Yellow Flower Wallpaper Powder Room design by Martha O’Hara Interiors
Click on the above images to learn more about the designs!

Trend : Modern Wallpaper

Looking back to December, I wrote a post, Stuck On You, about adhesive wallpaper. That is the creative wallpaper for those who may be afraid of commitment or simply rent their current living space. I revisited the idea of wallpaper this week during our local business professionals meeting in Franklin, Indiana. Dick Harmening, owner of DH Advertising, asked us if wallpaper was making a come back. Many of the kind businessmen at our meetings aren’t familiar with modern trends. So for Dick and others who can’t see beyond wallpaper of the 20th century, here are some modern wallpaper trends!

A simple, clean graphic print is perfect for a powder room. When using graphic prints, you must consider the size of the space and the print, itself. Using this wallpaper on the walls works well with the wainscoting to provide a contrast against the print and a place for the eye to rest.
Wallpaper wall paper dining room green silver floral graphic dramatic modern contemporary - Indianapolis Greenwood interior designer Hepburn Interiors
Graphic wallpaper can be used on a single wall to create a very dramatic impact. Paired with the chartreuse dining chairs, it is very modern and glamorous. 
Living Room design by Matthew Craig Interiors
A seamless blend of styles. The wallpaper in this space brings a modern feel without being loud or dramatic. It compliments the lines found on the patterns in the glass door panels and windows.
A subtle textured wallpaper can help a room feel comfortable. Especially in a space with many hard surfaces such as the fireplace, wainscoting and flooring.
Another example of textured wallpaper. Brings a very warm feeling.
When thinking about what to do with your walls, consider wallpaper! It has come a long way in the past years. It can make a space go from ordinary to charming! It was hard to select just a few inspiration photos to share, so I encourage you to contact us for more ideas!
Click on the above images to learn more about the designs!

Stuck on You

I was going to devote this blog post to wall paper. I’ve decided that will come at a later date. Many people are scared of wall paper and just picture tiny, country flowers saturating the walls. But, wall paper has come a long way! To ease into wall paper, I wanted to share these amazing adhesive wall decals that are removable, easy to apply and just plain awesome.


The fabulous adhesive wall tiles are made by Mur, a company based out of Salt Lake City. The tiles come in different sizes, colors and your imagination can run wild, as long as you’re thinking about triangular shapes.

LOVE the color availability: Mulberry, Saffron, Gold….

Best part about it – get 20% off of the tiles by December 24. Merry Christmas!

Chevron DecalImage

Want to get on trend with chevron, without trying to paint perfect lines? These vinyl adhesive chevron tiles are from Abby’s Vinyl Wall Art Etsy Shop. She has a plethora of colors and sizes. Talk about an easy way to make an impact in a room and hop on a trend!

What is BlikWhat is Blik

I might have to invest in some of Blik’s Wall Decals… This company started in 2002 with incredible wall decal designs. They are anything but boring! They make decal sheets, such as the ones above. Or you can get individual images (trees, robots, pirate ships…) for a wall. Their selection is so fun and inspiring – definitely worth checking out!

Click on any of the images to access the websites to purchase the products!