Sectional Sofas : Dos and Don’ts

Sectional sofas are fickle pieces of furniture. They can be very practical and fit well in a family room. Many times, they are sadly misused and not properly placed; a pet peeve of mine! Thus, I gathered a few examples of what to avoid and how to use a sectional in an attractive setting. Maybe this is a post to share with a friend with sectional sofa issues!

DO: This plush sectional works well in this space. The back of the sectional is a lower profile. This is important to avoid the sectional visually taking over the space. It is also longer on one side and shorter on the other. This still provides additional seating, but it keeps the sofa from swallowing the room whole!

Sectional Sofa Too Big Greenwood Indianapolis Interior Design Hepburn Interiors

DON’T: This is an example of a sectional sofa swallowing the room whole! It’s simply too much furniture, yet there is only 3 pieces: one sofa, one very small ottoman and a modest end table. Each side is equal length, which directs your eye right to the corner of the sofa (lovely blue pillow collection).

DO: When a sofa takes up so much space horizontally, it is best to prevent it taking up space vertically as well. A lower height sofa back is the solution. The asymmetry keeps you from focusing on the corner. The vast amount of windows keep a feeling of openness, which is important in a room with a sectional.
Sectional Sofa Too Big Greenwood Indiana Interior Designer Hepburn Interiors
DON’T: The back of any sofa is not particularly attractive. A console table would be an excellent solution when the back of a large sofa is exposed. Though, I don’t think any console table can compete with this sectional. It is simply too massive for the space and makes the room feel much smaller. Two separate seating options would break up the space.
DO: A clever twist on a typical sectional. Many sectionals have the chaise option which makes for some good book reading and lounging! It still provides comfort, relaxing and gathering of family. The placement of the sectional keep the windows exposed. Visually, this sectional works perfectly. Now I’m going to go get an afternoon cup of tea and pretend I’m lounging on this sofa!
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