April showers bring May flowers: Floral Decor

Well, April is drawing to a close and May is almost here!  I can’t believe it!  Soon flowers will be in full bloom.  Floral artwork and accessories are quite popular and can really add that pop of color to your space.  And for those of us lacking a green thumb it’s a way to bring nature indoors.  Sometimes a floral upholstered piece looks great too!  Let’s take a look at a few examples:

I love how these floral chairs add just the right touch of whimsy!
Notice how the artwork ties in several colors in the space.  Sometimes starting with the artwork and working backwards will give you a great color palate.
The vibrant colors in the rug really add life to this room.  I love the dark walls!
Check out this funky room! The floral wallpaper becomes the rooms artwork.
Happy May Day tomorrow!  Perhaps some flowers will brighten your day!