Details : Stainless Steel Kitchen Sinks

Thinking about an upgrade in your kitchen? A sparkling new sink can add a polished look, as well as make your life easier. Upgrading to a deeper sink helps quite a bit when cleaning large pots or pans.  Here are some good tips to consider when choosing a new stainless steel kitchen sink.
Stainless Steel
Stainless steel is heat resistant, stain resistant and easy to clean. Can’t seem to get it sparkling due to hard water? Try some Bar Keeper’s Friend.
       kohler drop in kitchen sink
Top-Mount, Under-Mount or Dual-Mount
Be sure you take note of what mount style you require for your kitchen. Top-Mount sinks (bottom photo) are easy to install and simply drop into the opening of the counter top. They have a lip edge covering the counter top. Typically, these are used with laminate counter tops. Under-Mount (top photo) attach below the counter top. It is a bit easier for cleaning; crumbs can be swept right into the sink. These are typically used for stone counter tops. Dual-Mount sinks can be used either way for your convenience.
Stainless Steel Gauge 
Stainless steel thickness is measured by the gauge. Thin steel has a higher gauge and thicker steel has a lower gauge. Less expensive sinks start at 22. As sink prices goes up, you will see the gauge around 18 or even 16. With a thicker sink (lower gauge), it will be more resistant to dents, the sink will be quieter when in use and it will hold up much better overtime.
Additional Options
After determining the basics, there are plenty more options to choose from. Beginning with the photo above, this kitchen has a single basin, apron-front style with a towel bar.
Double sink basins are not always the exact same size. In the Moen sink above, two different basin depths are available. This can be helpful when cleaning large items.
This Kohler Prologue sink has a work surface on the side. The sink includes a custom fit cutting board and colander. Many manufacturers have unique, custom sinks like this one.
For the serious cook or chef, this long Kohler Crevasse sink is perfect for chopping food. The water automatically sweeps the chopped scraps down to the garbage disposal.
Or if you don’t care about sinks, here’s the sink for you! It’s the Crystalline by Blanco. Hide it when you’re done! Excellent for small spaces.
Click on the above photos for more details about the products or designs.

Sectional Sofas : Dos and Don’ts

Sectional sofas are fickle pieces of furniture. They can be very practical and fit well in a family room. Many times, they are sadly misused and not properly placed; a pet peeve of mine! Thus, I gathered a few examples of what to avoid and how to use a sectional in an attractive setting. Maybe this is a post to share with a friend with sectional sofa issues!

DO: This plush sectional works well in this space. The back of the sectional is a lower profile. This is important to avoid the sectional visually taking over the space. It is also longer on one side and shorter on the other. This still provides additional seating, but it keeps the sofa from swallowing the room whole!

Sectional Sofa Too Big Greenwood Indianapolis Interior Design Hepburn Interiors

DON’T: This is an example of a sectional sofa swallowing the room whole! It’s simply too much furniture, yet there is only 3 pieces: one sofa, one very small ottoman and a modest end table. Each side is equal length, which directs your eye right to the corner of the sofa (lovely blue pillow collection).

DO: When a sofa takes up so much space horizontally, it is best to prevent it taking up space vertically as well. A lower height sofa back is the solution. The asymmetry keeps you from focusing on the corner. The vast amount of windows keep a feeling of openness, which is important in a room with a sectional.
Sectional Sofa Too Big Greenwood Indiana Interior Designer Hepburn Interiors
DON’T: The back of any sofa is not particularly attractive. A console table would be an excellent solution when the back of a large sofa is exposed. Though, I don’t think any console table can compete with this sectional. It is simply too massive for the space and makes the room feel much smaller. Two separate seating options would break up the space.
DO: A clever twist on a typical sectional. Many sectionals have the chaise option which makes for some good book reading and lounging! It still provides comfort, relaxing and gathering of family. The placement of the sectional keep the windows exposed. Visually, this sectional works perfectly. Now I’m going to go get an afternoon cup of tea and pretend I’m lounging on this sofa!
Click on the photos to learn more about the designs!